The completely unfiltered diary of a 23-year-old (week 46)

3 min readMay 19, 2021


I’ve decided to make a list of things I think I need to/want to buy. I don’t like spending money, especially if it’s not 100% certain that I need those things. That said…maybe it’s time to get some new underwear.

Here we go:

  • Underwear. A new skin-toned bra and new underwear.
  • A new wallet. This is mostly to avoid bringing a tattered wallet to work.
  • New work clothes. Again, it’s about keeping up that work image…but it’s entirely possible we won’t be going in soon. New restrictions have been imposed now that COVID cases are increasing again.
  • Darker foundation. Again, for work.
  • Some casual clothes.
  • And a top with a built-in bra for lazy days.
  • A pair of going-out shoes. Maybe sandals.
  • New phone/phone plan
  • Laptop
  • Guinea pigs. Lol. And all the accompanying things they’ll need.
  • A take-home teeth whitening set from the dentist
  • An adjustable standing/sitting desk

That might be it, actually. Do I actually need any of those things? Maybe not.

I’d hate to end up falling into the hole of retail therapy. (Though I probably already have when it comes to food…)

Oh well. Gonna clean out my closet. Cue Eminem.

Oh yes, and a Fitbit. A budget one, of course. So I can beat myself up more about being an unfit blob.

  • Fitbit knockoff

I have yet to purchase any of those things. Oh well.

My library book (Nomadland) is now overdue and I will have to pay a whopping 10 cents for each day that I go over the return date. Hopefully that will be enough motivation for me to finish the book. I’m right about 3/4 through.

There’s a potential $1k+ gig lined up for my side hustle. I hope it goes through.

Just realized I never mentioned meeting Cher over the weekend. It was good to catch up with her. She’s going through a rough patch — as she has been over the last year plus, probably. But especially so now.

I wish I could give her more support. But, she’ll be okay. It’s funny cos she said she knows I’ve got her back. Which is exactly what I said about her here. (Then again, it’s the same for all my friends.)

Also, office is closed for the foreseeable future since COVID restrictions have ramped up.

In other news, I saw a Silkie chicken today. It was pretty cute.

I need a lamp. And it wasn’t even in my list of things from before. Ok. I’m going to get a lamp.

Fuck. I don’t want to be stuck at home with just my parents.

But I guess that isn’t really the problem. I need more time with friends.

Sigh. Back to the same problem.

It really is hard to make friends after school. No wonder people form couples.

I kinda want to dye my hair.

Gia texted me to ask to climb this weekend. Yay.



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Written by Amberblazexx

probably needs a better avatar

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