The completely unfiltered diary of a 23-year-old (week 35)
Hung out with Kay and the girls and it was really good! Didn’t have the whole soul-crushing feeling of “I didn’t enjoy that at all” afterwards. So that was really great.
It’s been nearly three months since we all met, and it was really good to see them.
Hung out with Lyza too, and it was good.
Might’ve crammed this weekend out a little too much (ok, definitely crammed it out too much), but, I’m glad.
Gosh, it’s Wednesday night again and I’m rushing this out because I really wanna sleep, and there’s a meeting with my manager schedules first thing tomorrow morning. At 9am, which isn’t even early, but I’ve been sleeping in basically every day so…
Went to office this week, and I’m glad I did because there were a couple of colleagues in and some of us had lunch together. They talked about parenting stuff, which I just found super fascinating. That could be me in like, ten years. Plus, I really like talking to these “older” people. They’re so interesting, and usually less judgmental (or maybe they just hide it better). So that was a real pro of going to office. But. It was also a very long and painful day. Sitting at a desk for hours is just…tough.
I mustered up the courage to finally ask a question to a colleague towards the end of work, and he spent a good half hour explaining stuff to me. That was really nice of him. I was so touched. It’s so much easier to judge how receptive a person is to your questions when you’re asking them in person too. Much harder to judge over text.
Hung out with Kay again and watched The Green Mile. It was a really good movie, and it was really nice to just hang out and catch up with Kay one on one. She’s gone shopping for engagement rings with her boyfriend, and I just can’t imagine being in her shoes. She seems happy though, and I hope it stays that way.
Gonna be celebrating Lauren’s birthday this weekend. I really should’ve put more thought into it. But, there’s still time and it’ll be good. I just wish I’d gotten my shit together and ordered a nice gift for her earlier. Now, there’s no way the shipping will make it in time (since most stuff ships from overseas). Oh well. It should be fine though, we can spend more money on nice stuff when we hang out.
A guy I had a minor crush on in second year just added me on LinkedIn. Lol. Maybe I should hit him up. Pretty sure he liked me at the time too.
I miss not having nagging thoughts at night and being able to sleep without thinking about anything.