The completely unfiltered diary of a 23-year-old (week 59)

3 min readAug 18, 2021

Had an amazing birthday weekend. It was so nice to hang out with Kay and friends. I felt so incredibly blessed, which is cliché, but true.

Really, having a good time with people I love is just the best thing. Hung out with Lauren too, and it was nice and chill.

I kinda wish I wrote this yesterday, because now it’s Monday and the good vibes have dissipated a little. But yeah, the weekend was amazing. Had a nice meal with Mom too.

Today, we had a call with Dad and that just killed my mood a little. He’s not a bad guy at all, it’s just some things that he does can really tick me off. I’ll have to get over that at some point. Probably when I move out.

Meeting #3 with mentor went well! I was pretty nervous, and prepared a lot for it. Realized during the meeting that there was no way I could ask him everything I’d wanted too. In one hour, I could ask maybe four main questions? (Since there’s some preamble at the start with the “How are you”s.) But yeah. It finally felt like the conversation went smoother, and I got less anxious along the way (though I did still drop my notebook out of bumbling anxious uncoordinated-ness.) Made me a bit more excited about my career — there are many possibilities. I just need to think about where I want to go. Which is the tough part.

I’m really bad at taking responsibility of my own decisions. Indecision kills me.

Also, the counter staff at the place we had lunch told me I was pretty. Lol. He was pretty cute himself. :-)

We have so much cake. What a wonderful problem to have. Good thing it can be frozen and kept.

I started listening to Bill Gate’s book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster. The audiobook version. It’s pretty good, and an easy listen. I’m kind of inspired to look deeper into my interest in green/sustainability type stuff now.

Sometimes I have questions about things in the book and you can’t easily find the answers on Google. But that’s just how it is.

My colleague(s) suggested meeting for lunch. We’re going to a place that costs thirty bucks for a set lunch. Jeez, is this the kind of standard people at work go for? And to think I essentially had fast food with my mentor. Oops.

But nah, they probably would’ve been totally okay with a cheaper place.

It’s Wednesday again. I booked a health screening (sponsored by the company, thankfully.) Apparently you have to go at least 7 days after your period ends. Well, how the heck are you supposed to predict when your period will come months from now.

The weekend feels like it was eons ago, even though I know for a fact it was an amazing weekend. I’m feeling lonely again. *sigh*

Sometimes I wish I had the balls to just go on a bunch of Tinder dates. It should be fun, at least. Maybe it’s worth a try. But as a virgin it’s a bit intimidating. (TMI?)

Anyway. It’s not too bad.

Work has been decently busy. Not crazy, but kind of tedious.

Afghanistan is going through complete shit right now.

I’m still grinding through a $600 Fiverr order. About three-quarters done.

Office is opening up again. I might drop by next week, after lunch with colleagues. But it’ll only make sense to drop by if there are other people there to catch up with — my direct team won’t be there. And the other girl who was close to my age in the team we work closely with is probably going to quit soon.


Gotta get my lazy ass back into the gym soon too.



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