The completely unfiltered diary of a 23-year-old girl (week 1)

4 min readJul 8, 2020


~Week 1~

I ate about thirteen Kit Kat minis today. Shit.

Unfortunately it seems my entry from week 0 has yet to hit a million views; there goes any remaining hope of making it big and leaving my job on day one. Too bad. In fact, the entry had a grand total of two readers, who according to Medium’s analytics spent precisely zero minutes reading the post. To be fair, that’s two readers more than I expected, so all’s cool.

So today was my first day at work and I was 15 minutes late. Got completely lost, running around in the wrong building in circles like a lost fool with my annoying-ass shoes clip-clopping along. Gotta be careful of the type of shoe sole I get next time — hadn’t thought it’d be a problem because they aren’t even heels. Just absurdly noisy flats.

I did eventually make it to the office, and the poor girl was just waiting for me. Oops.

When HR and IT were done, they left me at my desk. The office was basically empty. Which meant I could explore the place and snoop around my future colleagues’ desks without being called out (or so I hope). Picked up my work-issued laptop, managed to spill water on my blouse while trying to drink from my bottle (classy huh), and found out that the work table was pretty cool. It had buttons you could press to adjust the height. Fancy stuff. On a less fancy note, the work laptop doesn’t let you access Google. Or basically anything online apart from your email and Skype. Jeez, this government security thing is real. I was honestly shook when they told me you couldn’t Google stuff. Like, what if I can’t remember how to spell something and I want to Google it. Tough stuff.

Soon after, my supervisor actually dropped by to say hi, which was extremely nice of him. He explained a little about the department and the role and all that, but honestly most of the time I was just pursing my lips and making weird expressions because I couldn’t understand most of what he was saying. I did try to limit those facial expressions to the bottom half of my face so he wouldn’t be able to see them through the mask, at least. #coronavirusperks?

So…this job is actually more like an internship, and I’m planning to quit after about three months or so, when the economy (hopefully) gets better. Which is a bit of an asshole move, but I’m pretty sure they’d be expecting it anyway. Plus, the pay is shit. But first impressions, this supervisor guy seems pretty nice. And overworked. He looked like he hadn’t slept properly in years.

Maybe he just has a young child or something.

Well the job seems interesting enough; might actually upgrade it from a 6/10 to maybe a 7/10. Probably only because my workload is basically nonexistent right now. Do employers always let you off easy in your first week or something? Anyway, with this government thing it seems like you could actually help people, so that’s pretty cool. And being able to work from home because of coronavirus is kinda nice too. The WFH bit. Not the public health crisis bit.

Anyway. There will be plenty of work to come so we’ll see how that goes.

What else did I do in the past week…

I cut up a pair of pants that were too short for me. The aim was to make them into shorts, but then I got complacent and cut off too much fabric…and now they’re too short. Damn it. My ass nearly hangs out when I wear them. Not cool.

I also met a friend to go jogging. We saw some parrots.

I also met some other friends to go walk somewhere. We saw some monkeys.

And met some other friends to go eat. We had duck. To eat.

Lol this sounds so boring. Chill time with friends is nice though, and now that work has started, it’s gonna be even more precious.

It’s not even midnight and I’m tired. Had to get up at like 7am for the first work day. Not even that early, but considering I’ve been waking up past midday for the last few months, it was kinda rough. But this is great. Finally reverting to some normal human sleeping hours.

Till next time then.



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Written by Amberblazexx

probably needs a better avatar

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